Acceptance & Commitment Therapy & Mindfulness

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy integrates cognitive therapy tools with mindfulness skills so you can live a more fulfilling life based upon your own values and goals.

Mindfulness is the ability to notice thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, and those around you with presence and equanimity. This allows you to handle negative thoughts and difficult situations much more effectively.

Recent research has shown that people who have been clinically depressed three or more times in their life find that learning mindfulness-based skills helps to considerably reduce their chances of depression returning. That’s how effective it can be.

What does Mindfulness and ACT help treat?

  • Depression
  • Social anxiety
  • Anger issues
  • Low self-esteem and self-blame
  • Performance anxiety
  • Addictions to alcohol and drugs
  • Chronic worrying
  • Ruminating about the past
  • Communication problems
  • Lack of Assertiveness
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Any behaviour you want to change

If you engage with a willingness to learn and with a very good teacher and therapist, mindfulness and ACT truly are game-changers.

If you or someone you know may benefit from ACT, please contact me for a free consultation. I would be happy to speak with you about how I may be able to help and will endeavor to respond within one business day.